Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Dave Chappelle is a Netflix tool

Update: Consistent with this post and my previous review of Patton Oswalt's Atlanta show, Patton distances himself from friend, Dave Chappelle. Probably because of his upcoming Netflix special. Oh, no, don't fuck that up, Patton! What a remarkable intersection of events. There are many ways one can sell out, but in the end it bites 'em all in the ass. Patton, you know Dave is contagious with his hate speech, you should have worn a mask. Maybe Dave just wanted to see you get his cooties, cuz misery loves company. It would be good for Patton to get cancelled by the mainstream. We need talent to go indie again so they can get pissed and return to free speech and joke writing instead of chasing money and fame.

...and abridged version of my rant that follows...

Yay, Dave Chappelle, for calling out the fallacy of the trans movement.

But, before all the conservative talking heads rush forward in his defense, saying he's only joking and patting him on the back, let's not forget that he endorsed BLM and the George Floyd riots in his 8:46 Netflix special which was billed as "Dave Chappelle & Friends: A Talk with Punchlines". i.e. He wasn't kidding.

Defend him when he's useful and lashing out at LGBTQ as a stand up, but say nothing when he says something endorsing violence based on race in a straight talk.

No one hesitates to slam Colin Kaepernick for his race blithering, why give Dave a pass? It's all free speech, whether it's funny or not. And it's funny to watch Dave and Netflix get a taste of their own medicine.

...and now for our regularly schedule rant...

Joe Rogan has rushed to defend Dave Chappelle's kind nature and good character, differentiating his jokes from hate speech and celebrating his comic genius, following backlash from the LGBTQ community for a bit that ultimately denies transgender biological legitimacy in his latest comedy special, 'The Closer'. Despite his closing story of "Daphne", in which he recognizes a white trans woman as a friend and fellow comedian while openly declaring his own transphobia, Netflix employees began staging walk out protests and calls for the special to be removed.

Netflix co-CEO, Ted Sarandos, offered the usual submissive apology given under such circumstances, stating that 'storytelling has real impact in the real world', but that the show doesn't call for physically harming anyone, so it doesn't qualify as hate speech.

Joe Rogan said (with a few omissions for the sake of making my point), "If you get down to (Dave's) real feelings, he's a lovely of the nicest people I've ever met in my life. He loves everybody. He's not a hateful soul...and he tries to do his best navigating through this world...placating really sensitive groups that feel like they're in a protected class...they equate any jokes with hate and this is where they're wrong...his jokes are just that, they're jokes." 

Obviously, comedy is often used to address serious matters and can be highly influential. Attempting to justify or define boundaries between jokes and non-jokes is pointless in the context of a free speech platform and rapes comedy of it's power. So, you're saying free speech is fine, as long as it's a joke? No credit, Joe. And don't say 'lovely' until you become Josephine yourself. Take another puff and show everyone how hard you can kick your heavy bag in some platform shoes, shorty. But, keep on sticking it to CNN.

I have to admit, Dave's statement establishing that trans people are not in fact whatever sex they claim is especially strong coming from a voice of his stature, and a black voice helps lend at least a fracture of complexity to the otherwise homogenous Leftist narrative. I absolutely support free speech and recognize Chappelle's talent and humor. Not to mention he has balls for talking about it in today's climate. That's what comedians are supposed to be doing, not pandering but questioning and poking. And if it is a reflection of his culture, so be it, he's not alone in his view. Take a weird phenomenon and shove it down our throats politically, and it goes from weird to unbelievable, and at least warrants serious scrutiny and criticism. Dave gives us that platform. 

Furthermore, regardless of the very real problem of gay bashing and bullying, anyone who is gay or trans should have enough self awareness to understand and put such remarks into context, and even laugh at themselves. No culture or individual escapes life without criticism and bullying. And more importantly no one is above criticism. Being gay is not a choice, but being part of a culture or a political movement certainly is, and destroying one's body is a tragic choice. 

Gay people certainly have shown great humor historically, but these days it's gone from something that can be fun and funny to walking on eggshells, a chip on the shoulder and a liability. How is anyone supposed to be tolerant and accepting and get on with life with a gun to the head? Live and let live is a two-way social contract, followed by common courtesy, with some common sense recognition that these behaviors are far outside of the norm. LGBTQ comprises somewhere around 4-5% of the U.S. population. Yes, there are plenty of bullies, no doubt. But, there are plenty of tolerant, open-minded people who deserve that mutual respect in return. These accusatory, hateful attitudes directed at everyone outside of their group are beyond insulting, they are aggressive and a constant assault against many who have been strong individual supporters without joining any movement or plastering anything about it across social media. Public declaration doesn't make a Christian, but there are plenty of phony people who wear it on their sleeve. 

When an aggressive political push exceeds the two-way social contract, it creates resentment, and if the ask is outrageous or simply untrue and wrapped in legislation and liability, it's unsustainable. All demands and no concessions is not a relationship, it's a dictatorship. Some would say it's a lot to ask that we should literally believe in things in the Bible, so, why should society be expected to not only respect but actually share and believe in someone's feelings? You feel like a woman, so you are a woman? You're 6'3" with a big pickle nose, wearing a wig, you've been chemically castrated and take hormones, maybe you have a faux-gina, or maybe you're tucking. And, I'm supposed to engage you for a consultation at the Apple store and act like there's nothing to see here? And my seven year-old son in tow is also supposed to keep a straight face? Or you're gender fluid, so whatever you feel at the moment defines your biological sexual identify? Talk about Emperor's new Clothes. This is why religious extremism brings violence. Make no mistake, this woke movement is a religion to the extreme - it's a theocracy. 

What's with the flag planting and appropriation these days? For example, the Associated Press capitalizes the word 'Black' and uses lowercase for 'white'. Professional journalism is supposed to be objective, right? That's not equality or justice, that's malice. 

And by the way, why do we need a gay James Bond, Superman or Aquaman? Green Lantern made sense because there were many. Else, just make an original gay superhero. Besides, we already have real gay heros like Leonardo Di Vinci and Alan Turing. We don't need an all-gay cast starring in a musical remake of Star Wars with Luke coping an attitude at Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen in skinny jeans. Or Chewbacca prancing around the Millennium Falcon with a feather duster and making catty comments to Han about Leah's hairdo, then suspiciously disappearing into the cargo pit with C-3PO, or possibly swapping out parts with R-2 Willy Nilly following the mishap at Cloud City. Do we?

Chappelle's courageously against the grain when it comes to political correctness, at least towards gay and trans. I mean, come on, he's Black, right? Black culture is notoriously and often violently homophobic, so transphobia is a given. His point of view reflects his culture, right? Like Biden says, Blacks vote Democrats...and regularly beat the shit out of queers. Or is this just good ol' Dave? He likes to call himself and others 'nigger', that's his lens and identity, his persona. But, as he mentions in his Daphne bit, it takes courage to separate from your own. Dave is fully capable of seeing in shades of gray, and spoke to Daphne's human experience that is separate from the woke mob. All this speculation and analysis over a comedian. Can't we just say it's comedy, like Joe Rogan did? Ordinarily, yes. 

...Getting to my point...

But, I do get a special satisfaction in seeing mob rules bite Chappelle in the ass, given the trajectory of his previous special '8:46' which was recorded at a private event billed as "Dave Chappelle & Friends: A Talk with Punchlines",  and dramatically aired as a surprise special on Netflix. It is entirely available on the Netflix is a Joke YouTube channel

8:46 was unanimously recognized as a serious commentary on George Floyd, with one article citing 'Dave...drops the comedy to mediate on Black America.' These celebrities willfully romp into the political arena, AND they are highly paid for it. How many of these comedians have sold their soul to Netflix and gone woke? Check out my most recent Patton Oswalt gaff.

In 8:46, Dave states "These streets will speak for themselves whether I am alive or dead", basking in his celebrity and doing exactly what Don Lemon proposed. The entire pretense of raging against Lemon's call for celebrities to speak out, and then doing just that, as though it had been issued as some kind of emergency public service announcement is ridiculously contrived and obvious. As though we are all privileged to have a glimpse into the sage wisdom that so captured the urgency of his plea, which is clearly for "the streets to speak". He is echoing the words of Barack Obama, who also produces his own Netflix content. Every media platform has a political leaning, including Netflix.

If ever one could site hate speech by definition (which has proven to be a free speech killing, litigious, woke Pandora's box), it would be Dave Chappelle's 8:46 special which endorsed the George Floyd riots, fully funded, platformed and reissued for free public consumption by Netflix. 

The riots were heavily corporate-funded and promoted world wide, estimated to have cost 1-2 billion dollars in damage and having caused 25 deaths within the U.S. alone. Lovely! Right, Joe? What a loving spirit, Dave. Burn everything to the ground, including Black-owned businesses. No problem, it's all covered by insurance, and rebuilt with Black labor. Except for the beatings and deaths. We needed the riots to pick up the flagging economy...inherited from The Donald, right, Joe? Right, other Joe?

The George Floyd riots were the grand finale to the continual rioting that goes many years back to the events surrounding the shootings of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. Far too many of these 'victims' were ultimately exposed to be justified shootings long after the smoke from the destruction settled. Certainly, rioters never encountered any shortage in opportunities to accuse police of shooting black people. Why? Because in the U.S., blacks comprise 13% of the population and commit 70% of violent crime. Yet another one-way social contract we're supposed to swallow. 

What if the everyone got sick to death of the crime and marched across the country, and in other countries, declaring they are fed up with black crime, and that the history of slavery is no longer an excuse? We have boat people from Vietnam who speak zero English running successful businesses here, and they ain't asking for shit. Why aren't law-abiding Blacks marching to protest their own people, to protest the outright boastful celebration of criminal culture in hip hop that has replaced what was once our greatest source of cultural pride of America, R&B? Is there no resentment that they suffer guilt by association, and a push for government to quit enabling the ghettos that breed criminality? Why has self-styled Islam transplanted Christianity in Black America, and calls for segregation? Let's not forget this Black Pastor's words from 2010.

Joe Biden and our media cite white supremacy as the greatest domestic terror threat, which is both insulting and defies natural law and common sense because it's total propaganda and lies propelled for political power grabs. Biden is giddy in his blatantly false pandering to Black voters and has a history of being a liar and a grinning idiot with his foot in his mouth. How much more obvious must it be for people to at least suspect thew's something awfwee scwewy going on awound hewe? "There going to throw you back in chains"..."if you don't vote Democrat you ain't black." Accompanied by cackling-Kamala who is celebrated mostly for her color. Lord, how the Democrats are going to have to limp along for the next few years on these two. Even the Obamas didn't endorse Biden, geez.

Anyone paying attention recognizes that corporate-sponsored Black Lives Matters only ceased their destruction when Joe Biden assumed office. Did the removal of Donald Trump from office somehow magically end the alleged racist epidemic amongst our police force (including those Uncle Tom, sell-out Black officers) such that riots were no longer necessary? 

The riots halted the moment Joe declared victory on account of racism just evaporated, like The Rapture? Sha-zam! 

Thereafter, I even noticed my transgender neighbor couple's' BLM sign had been plucked from their yard, and even today it's still in plain sight leaning against the wall inside their garage. The Proud Boys are hardly the only one's on stand by. I recall reading about an area burned by rioters because a black man had committed suicide. Talk about jumping the gun, literally.

Clearly, identity politics is being abused by the globalist powers - including both Democrats AND Republicans here in the U.S., and the global corporations - to assume power, with our media doing the marketing.

These riots were not the "streets talking", as Chappelle would have us romanticize. It was not an expression of The People. It was highly coordinated, heavily funded, with young white brainwashed idiots (including a lot of LGBTQ) smashing windows followed by a sweep of black looters. In fact, there's an app for locating Confederate Memorials so Leftists can go do their thing. Oh, that's so Old Skool, ain't it? Everybody know the dopest apps be from 'da Hood, yo! Streets talking, my buttocks. If only Al Gore would lasso MLK's whirling grave they'd have enough green energy to turn back time and reverse climate change.

Since then, BLM has moved abroad to focus on Israel's treatment of Palestinians, somehow affording to abandon the original domestic impetus. Like, " lives matter...anyway...about those Jews..." Since then, the police in major cities are suppressed and violent crime - involving guess who - is soaring. None of this is about race. Race and racial division are just very effective tools for taking power because it cannot be questioned without accusing any dissenters of being racists (or Uncle Toms if they are black). In a global market, diverse perspectives are valuable, but for corporations, diversity for it's own sake is all about liability, and that's how it became the sharp stick that gets waived around and pointed that it is today.

Although, we must consider that according to the Brookings Institute Census, Whites will be in the U.S. minority by 2045 at just under 50% (which is still a pretty damn big piece of the pie). The chart also indicates that Blacks will remain around 12% and Hispanics will jump to nearly 25%, at which point all of this propaganda will leave Blacks in the dust, much as BLM already has now that Trump is out the door, thanks, Black people and thanks for playing along, Dave! 

So, it's part liability and part marketing. Maybe that's why the border will always be a revolving door and mass migration will continue to be normalized. Because no one group can ever hold the power, and it keeps labor costs down. Meanwhile, the border is wide open without security, and the answer is that we need Hispanics to bolster our dwindling population. Then, Biden calls for bringing in people from countries on the terror watchlist because we need color to bolster our diversity. Wait, that sounds a lot like judging by skin color rather than character, doesn't it? Joe, you're so silly, and you sure love playing Nice Whitey Grandpa because its fun to lie and pretend you're sharing special secrets, especially when your biggest secret is that you're the biggest racist and think people are stupid! It's even more fun when Dave Chappelle believes you and endorses your lies with a big megaphone like Netflix.

This wokeness is infecting and dividing every major institution. The Catholic Church is quite woke these days, rubbing elbows with tyrants in Venezuela while reminding us all we need them to battle the demons responsible for causing their staff to molest children. The historic role of the Catholic Church has been to control the masses through fear. Accusations of racism serve the same effect as those who believe in Santeria, and anyone marked as hexed by the local shaman will be ostracized by the community. Woke cancel culture is a cult that weaves a nasty web from propaganda and lies for corruption of power. It's every dystopian nightmare come to life, complete with word police, thought police, book burnings, witch hunts, and weights and chains festooned around the strong to level competition with the weak. The Woke are more intolerant, judgmental and blood-thirsty punitive than the most self-righteous foot-washing Baptist. Repent, sinners! To be White is to be racist. All Cops Are Pigs! 

One might argue that Dave and Netflix are indeed punching down, regardless of what Joe Rogan claims to the contrary. There is no historical account of any gay or trans holocaust or enslavement, just a lot of wink-wink, nudge-nudge and behind the scenes shannanigans (including a lot of kid fucking). Again, we know there's been plenty of gay bashing, just saying, there's a hierarchy. And, it's 12% Blacks vs 4% Gays. Besides, LGBTQ has it's permanent slot under the protection of corporate culture, Blacks have government and corporate jobs, and reparations are in the works. Every manager I've had throughout my corporate career has been gay, Black, and/or a woman.

Anyway, the hierarchy allows Jews to say what they want about Blacks, and Blacks to say what they want about gays and trannies. Gays and trannies may punch up at corporations because that's where the money is, like a pinata. Asians and Indians can fend for themselves (hmmm, a lot like the Jews) because they don't mix with anyone (Racists with a capital-R) which seems to be working out just great because they own everything and are pretty much running these tech companies while joining forces to topple the dollar. Ah, the privileges of true racism, it's not just for white people anymore. If Hispanics punch in any direction, they only talk about in Spanish, so no one else knows about it but them (and the Blacks in San Diego on Cinco de Mayo). Whites can just shut the fuck up and do as they're told. Something like that. 

As for white leftists, the totally Woke, radical Left will reject Dave's remarks about trannies, and the fashionably Left will especially love him for saying what they are thinking but unlicensed to admit out loud. And, there are those who don't know what to think and will be licensed to take on his attitudes, and that's what the activists will claim. Just the same way they blamed Trump for causing a spike in racism. Call in the thought police to protect the thoughtless.

As for the rest of us, it's a relief to hear someone with the license to say out loud what few may. Plus, Dave punctuated his controversial remarks - or perhaps hedged - with the closing story about "Daphne", illustrating what it really means to be trans, including the commonly associated mood disorders, mental illness and suicide, and distinguishing individuality from mob. Go, Dave! Say, maybe bipolars and schizophrenics should be a protected class and we will have to recognize their realities as legitimate and sign it into law. I recall the old Gender Dysphoria wiki entry cited a third of transgenders as having these mood disorders. 

The updated wiki states:

"The diagnostic label gender identity disorder (GID) was used until 2013 with the release of the DSM-5. The condition was renamed to remove the stigma associated with the term disorder.[7]"  

Removes the liability associated with the term, too. Explains a lot, doesn't it? Anyone removing the stigma of the term white being associated with racism? 

The DSM-5 wiki says:

"The DSM-5 is not a major revision of the DSM-IV-TR but there are significant differences. Changes in the DSM-5 include the reconceptualization of Asperger syndrome from a distinct disorder to an autism spectrum disorder; the elimination of subtypes of schizophrenia; the deletion of the "bereavement exclusion" for depressive disorders; the renaming of gender identity disorder to gender dysphoria; the inclusion of binge eating disorder as a discrete eating disorder; the renaming and reconceptualization of paraphilias, now called paraphilic disorders; the removal of the five-axis system; and the splitting of disorders not otherwise specified into other specified disorders and unspecified disorders."

We can't be calling clinically-diagnosed crazy people crazy, now can we? That'd be unkind and judgmental. Instead, we'll call them 'women' or 'men' depending on their mood, and they can switch back and forth and let us know. I had no idea that gender was considered a mood, is that what it means to be 'woke'? I sure wish I could change my reality based on my feelings. I'm always in the mood to be wealthy, but that Corolla in my driveway doesn't seem to share my sensibility. My boss told me I was late for work, and I tried explaining, "I don't feel tardy", but I guess I didn't feel enough like David Lee Roth to make it a reality.

They say comedy is about tension. Dave's tension lies in whether or not to betray his culture. He is in fact a lot like Daphne and that bi-polar trans community. He's a nigger, he's not a nigger. That is to say, one minute, he calls himself and others 'nigger', and in the next, when confronted by his manager about not having license to talk about gay people because he's not gay, but being allowed to say The N-Word whenever he wants...he's retorts, "I'm not a nigger". A very clever bit, but therein lies the tension. Back to the much earlier point about flag planting. Black culture claims rights to the word and we shall forever be rendered children to utter 'The N-Word", even on news casts. The establishment of this entitlement, while not a law on books, holds serious weight, and creates precedent for more that opens the door to abuse and an open tab to be forever paid by White society. The price it will cost you and your culture will be to forever associate you with the word, and to continue othering both you and us. Can we get on with the togetherness thing? Ever? Too soon?

Chappelle's endorsement of the George Floyd riots in 8:46 is both a willful approval of evil and an outright refusal to acknowledge reality, bearing an uncanny and striking resemblance to the denial exhibited by the trans community about the biological reality of their gender. To be 'woke' is to be asleep, to be a man is to be a woman, and to be Left is to be a fundamentalist, or even Fascist in alignment with big corporations. If ever anyone clearly made a deal with the kids better pay attention...if it's too good to be true, it probably is. BLM isn't really about helping Black people, and it isn't really run by Black people. But it sure is about power. And corruption. What a psy-op! 

An atheist who betrays his own conscience feels conflict, the same way that a Christian feels who commits a sin. What's the difference? Even as a super star, Chappelle cannot manifest enough individual pride to overcome his own identification with the shame and loathing that cripples black culture and perpetuates and justifies criminality under the banner of victimhood and entitlement. It's the classic literary struggle, Man versus Society, Man versus Self.

At least Dave Chappelle helps us to see clearly, that not everyone fits neatly into one big happy leftist box. I enjoyed witnessing a little rock-paper-scissors in play amongst the intolerant cult of woke hypocrites, who in this case are attempting to put into check the ever-brilliant Dave Chappelle. 

Netflix doesn't care about black people, Dave. But, they're happy to have you as their tool, along with whatever other protected groups they can adorn until they trip on their own shoelaces.