Sunday, October 31, 2021

AT&T's John Stankey requiring employees to confess white privilege

Follow ups & possible backstory:


Apparently Stankey was cited for funneling funds into OAN - 90% of their profits - and asked to 'correct his course' or resign from his role at AT&T. So, he must be under some serious pressure to resort to oppressing his own people in the completely opposite direction.


A Black conservative group, Project 21, is defending AT&T against charges from NAACP, who are pushing the company to discontinue supporting OAN. 

from the article: "Horace Cooper, who co-chairs a group called Project 21, confirmed to Newsweek that he and two of his associates met with three AT&T executives early Monday to defend OAN from attacks leveled by the NAACP. "

Project 21's twitter


The original rant:

As if Coca Cola didn't already take enough flack for trying the exact same tactic, AT&T shows up late to the party wearing last year's stained cocktail skirt. 

Great to see so many articles calling out this absolute inexcusable, fake bullshit.

AT&T requiring employees to submit to critical race theory and admit to white privilege and that racism is uniquely a white problem is consistent with CEO John Stankey's bad judgement following the two historically massive failed acquisitions, including DIRECTV and Time Warner. 

The cost of these failed acquisitions was offset by 20,000 layoffs, then followed by subsequent selling of both acquisitions at a massive loss, leaving AT&T back at the core crisis of bleeding wireless customers. I can only wonder whether the money was borrowed from China.

During the acquisition of Time Warner, Stankey attempted to dictate to HBO's CEO that they should produce more short-form content to glue more eyeballs on mobile screens, but without funding. HBO told him he should think about paying to produce such award-winning content - i.e. get fucked, Stankey. 

The same approach was proposed to employees - work harder and faster with no incentive, and wait for several years to find out whether you'll make the chopping block. Oh, and now you all bow to BLM and make your sacrifice to the alter of George Floyd, the fake martyr who put a pistol to a pregnant woman's chest, and ultimately succumbed to his fentanyl overdose. 

Now, Stankey wants to somehow subrogate more loss through the woke-wagon. I'd love to know how this works on the backend, who is paying AT&T to heap such an oppressive work environment on top of an already broken spirit throughout the company culture. How desperate and out of one's mind must he be to resort to such hackery? 

Let's not forget AT&T's substantial connection to the NSA and government. No surprise The Stankster, who shows a net worth of over 30 million as of 2021, is likely taking orders from whoever the hell is actually behind the curtain of the new administration. 

Meanwhile, parents across the country are pushing back on critical race theory indoctrinating their children in schools, so it's not just corporate America. Search the controversy surrounding the Virginia Gubernatorial election.