Thursday, December 16, 2021

what's bugging me about Jussie Smollette

Every commentary I see about the Smollett case emphasizes and isolates how he staged a hoax to further his career by jumping on the race victim band wagon. 

Jussie played a small part in an ongoing saga, far beyond just thinking about himself. Maybe he was thinking about himself, but that's not what matters most. There's a much bigger problem, and what makes it particularly annoying is how frequently we have to contend with this kind of thing, how little is expected of us to buy it, and most of all, that it gets minimized to the silly shenanigans of one guy, as though we're clever for having caught on to his blatant, poorly constructed antics. 

By the time we have cities being burned to the ground, suppression of the police and violent crime going through the roof, we need to get serious about recognizing the playbook for what it is, and that it's been getting a pass for a very long time. 

How many of these incidents have to occur before we can address it for what it is as a society. Why limit his sentence to just Jussie? Why not extend this instance to the scaffolding that supports it? The left likes to talk about systemic racism, but what about systemic bullshit? We enable this formulaic, unconvincing abuse because it is rewarded constantly. 

It's so predictable and repetitive, it's just one more tale of the wolf who cried boy. 

Run the playbook, then broadcast in the media, turn on the outrage, disprove and forget. Rinse and repeat. 

It's part of a long series of what used to be called "publicity stunts", but when it crosses over into politics (small P) it's propaganda and when the political goal is a takeover (big P), it's called a psyop. Unfortunately, what qualifies as a true conspiracy often gets dismissed and then handled on a case-by-case basis. Sweep it all under the rug, which just happens to be a very long red carpet.

So, it bugs me that Smollette is dismissed as an isolated case of criminal self-interest. Much the same way the media identifies Muslim mass attacks as being isolated cases of mental illness. Or that Kaepernick is dismissed as merely a sore loser. Who cares about Smollett or Kaepernick? 

What about the responsibility of the media to vet stories before spreading them? 

What if the media is responsible for creating these stories? 

When will the media be punished?

These useful idiots have massive sponsorship and a chorus of supporting notable voices tantamount to accomplices - yet, just out of reach of proof. And, they just happen to fit very neatly into what is a very clear agenda. Spearhead with the baby-shield of racial accusations, overthrow authority, grant immunity to criminals and let the lootings and shootings begin.

Investigating Smollette's motive is therefore critical to consider whether it may be part of a bigger conspiracy. There, I said it. And, I'll venture further to say, it's rather obvious. 

There have been many other similar hoaxes including Bubba Wallace, and staged attacks on other less-than-famous minority groups. Or those that have legitimately occurred have been spun into more. "Stop the Asian Hate" drove me up a wall after the brothel shooting in Atlanta that included several hispanics and a religious sex addict. Now, that probably qualified as an isolated incident, but the Left happily painted it as 'Asian hate' with a a broad stroke brush. 

What constitutes a worthy conspiracy is all relative. In context, the goal posts on what is considered 'liberal' and 'conservative' have been moved beyond recognition. Context is key to meaning, and blurring or outright removing context is yet another known facet of the playbook.

As a result, what used to be considered moderate and even common sense is now demonized as far-right and conspiratorial.

What was once considered liberal - open-minded and peace-loving - is now a squirming, swirling cult of social media wanna-be's and gleeful cheaters, parading as revolutionaries, embrancing Malcolm X's "By any means necessary" mantra...raising their Black Power fists in the air, and sporting Che Guevara swag. It must be exhilarating, jousting against the silhouettes of long-since abandoned windmills, and then getting a flurry of thumbs up on social media.

So, where will this all go with Don Lemon and CNN, the Cuomos,..

...and on to Pelosi, BLM, from Treyvon to George Floyd, Fauci and the origins of covid, the White House 'siege', the 'election' of Biden and the sudden blue swing in Georgia, Hillary and Benghazi, Epstein, climate change, that transgender women are in fact women, and of course, the ever-infamous George Soros. 

For the minions of the left and center-left to take notice and question themselves or their sources, they have to hear it from an influencer of their own ilk because they are over-committed, and/or heavily reliant upon their instincts to follow, and/or they have such shit for brains that their own critical thinking skills are limited to "pants first, then shoes".  No, it's not stupidity, it's vanity. As much as they rave about empathy, kindness and emotional intelligence, this blindspot of desperation for attention is the eye of their storm of emotional errors.

Unfortunately, those who are losing patience with woke society are willing to make concessions in order for them to get a clue from would-be leftish-leaning  independent influencers like Joe Rogan, Trevor Noah, Jon Stewart, Russell Brand, and others. You know, those who hate Trump for his ego because in him they see themselves, yet still have enough of their own power to call bullshit on the obvious, especially when it threatens their independence and livelihood. 

Much the same way that Dave Chapelle gets recognized as a hero for denying the legitimacy of trans women in "The Closer" and for hilariously calling out Jussie while never being criticized for endorsing the violent riots of BLM in "8:46"...a concession too many conservative talking heads are willing to make in order for the sheeple to tune in and know it's okay to unlock their cheeks from the teet of the tweets from the twits and the twats. Jussie's hoax was obvious, so Dave revels in shaming him for getting caught. But for a mind like Chapelle's, so obvious is the hoax that is BLM, and most importantly for endorsing the bigger agenda it serves. Shame on Dave for being seduced by his ego.

But, it also takes patience waiting for the big picture to fully unravel before our eyes. And it's beginning to look like any day now, ugly Mothra will emerge from this fetid cocoon. And we're all wondering if there's a Godzilla big enough to roll up all of this corruption into the massive span of fuzzy, floppy spotted wings and smoke it. Who will it be? Elon Musk? Ron Desantis? Candace Owens? A 78 year-old Trump? Or will it end up being all of us uniting desperately at the last moment against a Chinese invasion? Is it The Rapture? Aliens? Or is it all just a bad dream? Oh Auntie Em!

I'm pretty sure there are a lot of would-be libs getting rattled at this point, reeling with buyer's regret.

Wow, everything is so expensive, where's a cop when you need one? What's China and Russian up to? 

If there are no atheists in a foxhole, we may all be heading towards an ultimate come-to-Jesus moment, one way or another.