Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Questions about Asian hate crimes

I'm curious, there's an article saying there have been 3,800 hate crimes during this last year of COVID, many against women and seniors - but I'd like to know a few things.

1. Who committed the crimes? Statistically, probably blacks and hispanics, and probably because the victims make easy targets.

2. What's the evidence that the attacks were hate crimes?

3. What is the nature of the attacks? Do they include verbal assaults? I'm aware there are physical attacks, but are these just the usual 'knock out game' we've seen for years, where young black guys go around decking old whites and jews and homosexuals, and other funny looking people. Balding middle-aged guys in compression socks and fanny packs getting socked in the jaw as they step out of their Corollas and tumble onto the curb, their pocket full of viagra scattering across the sidewalk. This video cites demographic statistics of crimes against Asians.

I think the Nation of Islam might have some influence, but that might just be a convenient excuse for what is an otherwise uncivilized culture to begin with. This small segment of society who commits 70% of violent crime is the group with the most animosity towards those who are different from them, yet ironically, this is the group who is gaining special immunity against the law under the banner 'Black Lives Matter' - to the point that their would be victims may eventually have no protection as government officials and celebrities call for defunding the police and eliminating prisons. 

Of course, I'm not suggesting all blacks and hispanics fall into this category. But statistically, the category is primarily comprised of blacks and hispanics - again - 70% of the violence from 13% of the total population. It's the dirty little secret no one is allowed to talk about without fear of being called racist. These crimes are acts of hate in the true sense. Why? These acts of violence are directed at those who are not black, not from that neighborhood, or simply because the victim exist in the same unfortunate moment as the violent assailant(s). Yes, the attacks often involve a mob of attackers.

The shooting in Woodstock GA was clearly a religious sex addict and patron who freaked out due to his own inner conflict and shot up this brothel aka 'massage parlor', including 3 of the 8 victims who were non-Asian. Wow, something went awry at a massage parlor? There's a reason for the old expression "I wouldn't be caught dead...'.

An Asian woman in ATL posted a remark on LinkedIn  that she knows life can be shortened because she's Asian and living in Atlanta. Of course, everyone jumped in to 'support' her / virtue signal, and I wanted to say, "Ma'am, unless you start a new sideline, or take a walk through Buckhead where all the animals roam around shooting each other and stealing cars, I think you'll be just fine." 

I don't recall ever seeing any massage parlor workers with LinkedIn profiles". Imagine the endorsements from all the CEOs for her stellar hand jobs.

No doubt shootings are tragic, but the explanation is a far cry from being an Asian hate crime. How irresponsible to spread such a notion, and prior to investigation, as is the norm. 

And of course, now this and other incidents have become an argument for censoring any criticism of China. As if that wasn't already being pushed when anyone referred to COVID as a 'Chinese virus'. 

The Colorado shooter turns out to be a Syrian-born Muslim who arrived via Obama's asylum program, posts about Islam on FB, and was already on the FBI watch list, as usual. I think the FBI watch list must be like subscribing to a YouTube channel. It gives the Feds some entertainment and notifies them when there's new content. Clean up on aisle nine. That's news in general - the media shows up to declare the official narrative, and the investigation is swept under the rug until after social media has been plastered with plenty of 'ratings' by the mob of judges who all turn into Simon Cowell and bask in the spotlight of validation, as cities are burned to the ground. Then we learn it was all for naught, but at least the facts didn't interfere with the revelry. We need ratings, and there's nothing more compelling than train wrecks, gladiatorial combat and porn. 

But his actions are dismissed as a result of his 'mental illness' as usual - nothing to do with his background - and here come the calls for gun control, with no pause to consider the obvious context we've seen over and over again. 

In reversing all things Trump, the new administration opened up the U.S. to entry from all the countries who were named security threats. And now, we have a muslim shooting, from where? Syria, the same place where Biden made an airstrike only a few weeks ago to be sure and let everyone know we're still around. The place everyone has criticized Trump for withdrawing.

Further, the media takes no responsibility for sensationalizing shootings which always result in copy cats. And here comes Obama, stating that mass shootings are motivated by racism

It just seems awfully coincidental that so many things unfurl like a leftist to-do list on a scroll following the 'election'. Again, this is just a rewarming of 2008.

And this just in only 2 days later:

I'm astonished the URL contains 'black-male' - apparently this site is known for sensationalism and gossip. Local Atlanta news shows his photo but national news does not and doesn't mention his race, and the Atlanta Police only cites him as 'male'.


And, what the fuck is going on in Virginia Beach?

Okay, this isn't getting much attention. Why? Because they're black. Let's not detract from all the revelry on social media about stopping the Asian hater in Atlanta (Holy hand jobs, Jack Man!) , and definitely let's not think about the Syrian in Colorado. 

We have DeWayne Craddock, black guy, who killed 12 people:

Then, we have CNN focusing on the officer who had his camera turned off (and I'll bet that bastard wasn't wearing his mask either) while shooting a black shooter, so, they're happy to focus on race for that one, but for the the 'mass shooting', they name three 'men' but don't identify race. Wait for it...

Virginia State Police have not released the identity of the officer who fired the shot that killed Donovan Lynch, a 25-year-old Black man.

We have...I cannot pronounce 2/3rds of the names, but they're young males and...hmmm, what color, do you suppose, are these guys?

"Three people have been charged in connection with the shooting, police announced Saturday: Ahmon Jahree Adams, 22, of Chesapeake, Virginia; Nyquez Tyron Baker, 18, of Virginia Beach; and Devon Maurice Dorsey Jr., 20, of Virginia Beach."

Search Virginia Beach shooting on YouTube and you get all kinds of incidents going back into time. Must be a great place.