Thursday, January 14, 2021

Remembering the last recession: Lessons and patterns from 2009


Just a year after Obama took office, 2009 brought us H1N1 which was declared a national emergency, though nothing was shut down or handled as it has been today. One might argue that the virus of 2009 didn't pose the same threat as covid, but hindsight is 20-20, no pun intended.

Coincidentally, 2009 was the worst year of the global recession, during which time Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Greece sunk into desperation, while Brazil miraculously not only survived financial crisis but was flush with cash, and began buying up distressed properties from Portugal, along with beach front property in Miami. At that time, I was dating a South African woman whose sister was married to a wealthy attorney in Lisbon, and the two met in Rio to attend a real estate event selling off multi-million dollar homes to Brazilian buyers. This all under socialist Brazilian President, Lula. Back up to 2002, and read this article featuring speculation from George Soros discussing the possible election of Lula, then put his later Presidency into prespective.

That same year, 2009, the emerging markets, known as BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), united at the G20 summit in Brazil with the goal of creating an international currency to topple the dollar. Though it was not achieved, we can look back and recognize the thinking and international relationships that formed under a common objective. Check this out.

Let's also not forget the stimulus of 2009, Obama's Keynesian response to the recession whereby the U.S. government signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, a $787 billion and later an $831B economic package aimed at 'infrastructure, education, health and renewable energy'.

The cherry on top was only 2 years later - Occupy Wallstreet - whereby the housing bubble found convenient blame for the global financial crisis, the Great Recession of 2008, organized by Soros, regardless of the overbuilding that led to the 'predatory lending' practices. Why the overbuilding? Noone ever talks about the abundance of cheap, shoddy labor from illegal crews. Nothing against the Mexicans, but it wouldn't have been possible without them. Let's not forget, it was a global recession.

During the recession, this is the time when people lose homes, property values plummet, and those with cash buy it all up cheap, then sell later. Fast forward to the last four years, where inventory and rates are low, prices are skyrocketing. Is this another bubble headed for yet another planned recession that should pop right around the time covid forgiveness ends, March? Funny how Wallstreet was demonized then, while Big Tech is now aligned with the left and drives media blackouts, is somehow a good thing. What's the difference? Trump tried going after the tech giants, but why aren't the kids out protesting the gazillionaire tech companies?

What else? Gas prices were running around $5 per gallon. In the last four years, gas has been in the $1-2 range, even pre-covid. Most recently, cost per barrel jumped up $15 dollars in one week. Apart from affecting fuel costs, I remember food costs going way up. 

Fast forward to today and we find some remarkable parallels to 2009.

Only a few years ago, we began hearing of an impending recession, and though the economy remained strong through Trump's presidency, a new and improved coronavirus (COVID-19) debuted in time for the election and this time the left called for shut downs, thereby crushing the global economy. 

Combined with two recent stimulus plans, the U.S. finds itself once again with a thinner currency, and now with heavy funding from big tech, media blackouts, and nationwide riots under the pretense of racism and police brutality, the election has been stolen and the U.S. is divided.

It's not hard to see how there is a clear, concerted global plan to kill the U.S. economy, and that's why Trump's 'America First' strategy is not to be dismissed as Hitler-minded nationalistic poisonous thought. This is just round two.

 More perspective on the implications of this situation here, this student of the London School of Economics which is associated with the socialist party in Europe, Adam Tooze...

Here's what Brazil thinks under President Bolsanero, aka 'The Trump of the South'. 'Quoting Lula and George Soros, the article is entitled 'Quoting Lula and George Soros, Brazilians who voted for Trump see election fraud'.

Meanwhile, Mexico survives with nearly no shut down under Soros-placed President Obrador. Is there a pattern here? 

Given the handling of COVID in California under Gov. Newsome, and the retaliation thereof, plus the economic mess there, we can speculate and watch. Some Silicon Valley giants are already pulling out. California would be quite a jewel for Mexico, should it thrive in an upcoming recession as Brazil did in 2009, and begin looking to make acquisitions, as La Raza has often called for with retaking former Mexican territories of the U.S. Let's see what happens if they the open borders. At the same time, it's been hard to read that Mexican President, he's supposedly a socialist, but he doesn't seem that way, and my Mexican friends don't think so either. In fact, he's calling for free speech. Let's see what happens. 

Harkening back to the Civil War, suddenly we revisit the impact of wiping away an agricultural economy. Let's not dismiss the nearly parallel race reversal of apartheid in South Africa, whereby white farmers are being murdered for their land.

And beyond...

My best speculation is that big tech can most take advantage of covid by pushing for working from home, a borderless society where they can employ anyone in the world based on cost of living. That's why there's FWD.US, which pushes for immigration rights under the guise of a morale imperative. That's probably why Elon Musk's Space X is being investigated by the FBI for discriminatory hiring practices on the basis that the applicant was not a US citizen. If a precedent can be established, and the idea of prioritizing citizens can be erased, it opens a lead for profits in the tech sector, and eventually for mass migration, a true global society - or as Soros calls it - open society. What does this imply for US currency, sovereignty and security? When the current administration calls for opening immigration based on race instead of contribution, we are looking at a big culture clash. It's not about race, but culture is important. Otherwise, we end up like Europe with hatchet attacks, acid attacks, gang rapes, etc. This pretense about racial equality is a joke considering the cultural attitudes in China, India, Brazil, Russia, and South Africa (BRICS). Use the transgenders to obliterate sexual identity, and keep on going until the concept of identify is almost considered offensive - that's how they do it in China, turning the masses into cattle. The reality, however, is that those running the show very much hold their own identity and certainly in a hierarchy. Let's not forget how the Indian culture regards the caste system.

What else - a virtual, 'touchless' world. With 5G, everyone will operate remotely, universal income equates very well to a reduction in lifestyle through an allowance / allocation. Where to about $15/hour, with the argument that a family of four cannot live on less...but...they apparently can live on $15/hour? Sold! Here's your storage unit, your rations for the week, and here's your Amazon warehouse job. Bye bye small businesses. 

Bring down the costs of pharmaceuticals when we all have the same diseases which are distributed across the world through genetically designed global pandemics. Inoculate like cattle while also thinning the herd. It's like a SAAS model - roll it out regularly, starting with a 1.9 trillion dollar COVID relief package. Then, add in whatever modifications to prune and shape the population globally. Very Brave New World of them, it's the beginning of the 'decanting' process.

Transgenders really open the doors for starting up a cyborg lineage. Those who are most inclined to chop and modify their bodies on the basis of gender fluidity really lay the groundwork for a customizable interchangeable entity, capable of...what are the user stories?...ah, yes...reproduction.  And what else? Switching genders (and eventually, I'm sure, whatever other traits) at will. This pesky hardware problem can't be impossible, can it? Nothing is impossible. All we need is some time with CRISPR and we can do whatever we want. Reverse aging, grow or diminish what God hath bestowed or denied. Did someone say chimera? Those ass backward evangelicals always get twitchy when genders cross the line, "it's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" and "next thang ya know it's gonna be beastiality". 

Nah, that would be crass and completely uncalled for. Just bypass sexual reproduction altogether, and head over to the Play Doh Fun Factory, where babies are made. With a dash of this and a sprinkle of that, you can have yourself a mythological creature in the flesh in no time. Pretty cool, huh? I'd like some feet that can get callous underneath when I detect rocky ground, Nike can kiss my ass! Or maybe some fur in all the right places when I start to shiver. If this all sounds too organic, there's absolutely no reason that we couldn't introduce some custom cells, tissues, organs and systems of our own on account of we like playing God, and with the help of AI and machine learning, we may not be God, but we can play him on TV, or we can always make one in our own image which should work out just fine. Afterall, we were made in his image, so there shouldn't be anything lost in translation, I'm sure of it. That's what I tell myself every time I look in the mirror. Ooh, but I'm thinning and my gums are receding. Someone get me that crispr thingy.

What about language? How is all this multiculturalism going to work out? (Swell). We have translation, but it's so slow and inaccurate. Does anyone remember Esperanto? If we're going global, isn't this the next hip thing? Let's have a listen.

C'mon, there's got to be an app for that, right? Not yet, but check out this entry about Mary Lou Jepson, who wants to bring MRIs down to a consumer level such that conversion of brainwaves across species can allow us to converse with animals. I shit you not. I like it! I cannot wait to tell my dog to wipe the toilet seat, that son of a bitch.

So yeah, it's all about cheap labor, starting by killing the dollar and economy, and the sovereignty of the US. I'm sure I'm falling short here, but that's a pretty good start. Anyone who questions the narrative of the mainstream media will be ostracized or at least censored. All this debating over philosophical nonsense is just a distraction. Let's not rule out a ground war. Everyone likes to talk about Civil War but who says there can't be foreign allies? All the cartels can converge and duke it out once everyone certain groups are given immunity from the police, and after the police are transitioned out. 

However, big tech will probably split, individuals will begin to unify based on ideology rather than racial and sexual identity, and so-called liberals will probably begin to realize they aren't as far left as they thought, once they don't have Trump around to hate and turn around to see what they voted for (they voted for anyone but Trump). It's not about parties or politicians, its about connecting the dots and seeing through to the actual agendas. Big tech and global power. Moving operations off shore and moving headcount on shore.