Sunday, May 17, 2020


After reading that celebrities and scientists are calling for not returning to normal...the celebs, saying this after having made their fame and fortune on their non-essential careers.

"...pleading for an end to unbridled consumerism and a "radical transformation" of economies to help save the planet...saying "the pandemic was a tragedy but it was a chance for humanity to "examine what is essential".

In keeping with that spirit, I began making my own list:


No art or music.

No color for consumer products. All vehicles will be primer only, all clothing will remain the color of the original fibers. Nike mocassins for all.

No salt and pepper.

Candle light only.

Shave your head. Make up is completely out. Clothing is optional.

No more social media, no computers, no phones. Smoke signals and drums from here on out.

Say goodbye to friends and family unless they owe you money. Once they're paid up, goodbye.

Look to the Amish, the Pentacostals and Muslim extremists for additional inspiration, minus the morality:

Grow your own food

No dancing or card playing

No haircuts

No clitoris, missionary style sex only.

Let's get scientific:

reproduce by the decanting method as detailed by Huxley in Brave New World. Everyone cut off your genitals.

update...future generations conceived the by decanting method can merge into one asexual organism  which can reproduce by mitosis - splitting into more organisms only when necessary.

update...that organism can also be engineered to produce it's own food via photosynthesis so it can live on water and sunlight.

update...and inhabit a turtle shell so we can end this housing and inventory problem.

Let's examine the periodic table to determine which elements we might do without.

I'm pretty sure we can also get rid of some of the non-essential shapes. A circle can pretty much cover a square or a triangle, that's why God gave us imagination.

Wait a minute, who needs God? Everyone can become atheist.

Forget it, let's all end our own lives and save the planet. Ready? On three...