Monday, July 16, 2012

Obama's favorite Girl Scout cookie: Thin Mints

From the article: "President Obama was also asked by a younger member of the crowd what his favorite Girl Scout cookie was. The president says it is the Thin Mints."


Top 10 Reasons Why Obama's Favorite Girl Scout Cookie is Thin Mints

1. They're the closest thing to menthols

2. It's the only cookie with a sensation that a smoker can detect

3. He was alluding to the Fed

4. He's reinforcing the notion that it's cool to always accept cookies

5. He was going to say 'Samoas' but his handlers discouraged overplaying the Southern affectation as in 'poli-ceh'

6. He's saving Dulce de Leche for when he campaigns in New Mexico

7. He's all about Tag-Alongs so long as it doesn't include the 1%. In fact, he's introducing a cookie called the Drag-Along to commemorate Obamacare.

8. Trefoils might be offensive to Muslims

9. Bow to your partner. Do-Si-Dos. Would-be gay marriage is the peanut butter promise that somehow got sandwiched between his would-be two terms - both remain to be seen. Apparently, not really Barry's favorite cookie, have a lemon cooler instead.

10. Do I waste #10 on an off-color remark about Obama sending Shout Outs, or do I compare Joe Biden to the All-About - described on the wiki page on Girl Scout cookies that I referenced to contrive this awful list - as a shortbread cookie dipped in chocolate with a thank you message. Oh, well, that's ten.