Friday, April 22, 2011

Casey Abrams meets Steven Tyler and American Idol

What if someone strutted up and tugged a coin from behind Jesus' ear and screamed ta-dah? Possibly, he might have uttered "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God" whereas, in the case of Casey Abrams' performance on American Idol, supposed rock and roll diety Steven Tyler dropped the unholy 'f-bomb'.

I only looked it up on YouTube because I read the headline about Tyler's profanity on the DrudgeReport. Unless it was a publicity stunt, Tyler surely invoked the word out of desperation to sell his reaction, else he might have been coping to choke back other thoughts after this kid spewed himself all over the audience (and Jennifer Lopez, who turned the other cheek). Steven Tyler, of all people, has at least SEEN real talent, dating back to a time when real music was the norm.

Once again, American Idol has delivered it's masterbatory, predictable marketing factory through attractive, overly made-up audience members projecting plastered-on reactions. It's such a sales job it makes me want to hide with embarrassment.

For me, this performance by Casey Abrams is a lot like the Star Wars Kid viral video, or that fat British woman who sang, or that Asian guy who couldn't sing.

On American Idol, the semi-washed up convince the accessibly frumpy and/or delusional to lay it on thick, goading them to surpass their own natural point of self preservation; to cross beyond the level of good taste. If this is what America wants, they should try renting a Bollywood film or just watch a soap on UniVision.

The formula is two-pronged:

Audience fantasy through someone unremarkable who is highly accessible to the average home viewer

- AND / OR -

Audience delight through the consumption of someone who is so unaware and gullible or simply willing - much like America's funniest home videos where people accidentally crash into trees on tire swings and impale their crotches jumping picket fences. Humiliation is the cornerstone of reality television.

Steven, leave the bad acting to your daughter and the bad hosting to Bob Saget. On the other hand, maybe I'm lending too much credit to Steven Tyler and he actually likes this crap.

here's Casey barely touching the bass:

...and the one that 'made' Steven Tyler swear. Doesn't it run the same risk as incest? Casey (suck) and Maroon 5 (suck) = Double (+) Suck or even Exponential (x) Suck: