Thursday, March 26, 2009

U.S. Report on China's Military Power

"Beijing has reacted angrily to a Pentagon report on China's military power, which claimed it was altering the military balance in Asia."

Included in the BBC news article is a link to a .pdf file from the U.S. Dept. of Defense:
"Military power of the People's Republic of China"

I skimmed through and took screen shots of some maps and a chart I found interesting. I have recently been looking at alternative world maps and found these particularly useful when considering the whole picture.

Although we are embroiled in the Middle East, U.S. priorities should be focusing on the expanding power of China, the collaborative military activity between Russia and Venezuela, and the rising activity and violence spilling into the U.S. from the South and Central American drug cartels, masked by the unchecked illegal immigration.

Another useful view, given how we all grow up looking at Western-centric Mercator maps: