Sunday, July 28, 2024


I recently got the notion of wearing a nice pair of wingtips. 

I found a good video about the history, and origin of Brogue shoes, the decorative holes that allow water to drain out, which were originally Scottish working shoes.

I looked at high-end wing tips just to see the spectrum and ran across one beautiful pair followed by another. This led me to an article about the highly celebrated leather Shell Cordovan, which is expensive because the process is labor-intensive. 

Then I found another article talking about the downside, which included one comment underneath that painted quite a contrary mental picture:

As eloquently noted by Allan Donnelly:

"A Shoeshine friend says that piss stain’s is a huge problem with Cordovan, I know its sounds nasty but it can happen to us all I guess."

Gotta love the reality factor from those who survey humanity to sober us up when our heads get too far up our asses.