Tuesday, June 20, 2023

China's Belt and Roads plan


This article features a map from 2021


The two sure signs of a country's alignment with China are:

  • On their Belt and Road's plan 
  • Renouncement of Taiwan

When I learned that the president of El Salvador had incarcerated 67,000 gang members, I was suspicious that China was involved. El Salvador is also on board with China’s belt and Road initiative, and severed their ties with Taiwan in 2018 (the same year China took control of Nicaragua). 

The president of El Salvador will end his term in 2024, and he will likely be running again. He also introduced digital currency, which, of course is probably connected to the BRICS digital currency plan. El Salvador is on the dollar.

It looks like Panama is under the same infrastructure plan with China, certainly with the aim of controlling the canal, having threatened to complete Nicaragua's.

At this point, it seems every country in S. America is on board, and China is moving troops to train in Cuba.

It would not surprise me if our current administration in the United States has already tacitly joined the same initiative under the guise of our own infrastructure plan.

U.S. Sec. Of State Blinken just returned from China and announced “We do not support Taiwan independence”.

The cartels are working with the Chinese to move their money here, and while Republicans suggest we war against the cartels and stop fentanyl, with so many illegals here, we'd be a quagmire like Vietnam with those on the inside conducting domestic terror and urban warfare.