Monday, June 26, 2023

EV Battery Swaps


Can EV Battery Swaps Be as Fast as Filling Up a Gas Tank? (

"One of the biggest pain points that comes with driving an electric vehicle is the time it takes to charge the battery," writes CNET. "Startup Ample's new technology can give drivers a full charge in about the same time it takes to fill a gas tank."Ample's model runs on the idea that the fastest charge is the one you never have to do. Its next-generation battery-swapping station can replace the battery on an electric vehicle in about five minutes...

Ample currently operates 12 first-generation swapping stations in the San Francisco Bay Area, mainly serving Uber delivery vehicles. The company expects to launch its next-generation station in the US, as well as Japan and Spain, later this year.

Their drive-through stations work with "just about any" kind of electric vehicle (including larger delivery vehicles), according to CNET's video report. Basically the company uses an "interface tray" that locks under the car (where the battery would go) containing its own charged battery cells. When a car drives in, a robotic system simply removes that tray and replaces it with another with fully-charged battery cells.

The company's co-founder argues this makes charging stations more like gas stations which service every kind of car — and adds that it's incredibly easy to deploy. "There's no construction involved... It comes in pre-built parts. You go through, connect them, test them — and you're up and running."

They've already got a deal with American EV automaker Fisker.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Global Central Bank Digital Currency Platform


The IMF is Working on a Global Central Bank Digital Currency Platform (

Reuters reports:The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is working on a platform for central bank digital currencies (CDBCs) to enable transactions between countries, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said on Monday.

"CBDCs should not be fragmented national propositions... To have more efficient and fairer transactions we need systems that connect countries: we need interoperability," Georgieva told a conference attended by African central banks in Rabat, Morocco. "For this reason at the IMF, we are working on the concept of a global CBDC platform," she said.

The IMF wants central banks to agree on a common regulatory framework for digital currencies that will allow global interoperability. Failure to agree on a common platform would create a vacuum that would likely be filled by cryptocurrencies, she said... Already 114 central banks are at some stage of CBDC exploration, "with about 10 already crossing the finish line", she said.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Latest articles on UFOs and aliens

Man, there ain't nothing out there but Klingons and Romulans.

What's next

UFO hearings


Outcome summaries



Steven Greer interview:

Sen. Rubio: Officials report possession of ‘non-human’ UFOs with ‘dead pilots’

Original post

Bipartisan Measure Aims to Force Release of UFO Records (

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is proposing legislation to create a commission with the power to declassify government documents related to UFOs and extraterrestrial matters. The New York Times reports:The measure offers the possibility of pushing back against the conspiracy theories that surround discussions of U.F.O.s and fears that the government is hiding critical information from the public. The legislation, which Mr. Schumer will introduce as an amendment to the annual defense policy bill, has bipartisan support, including that of Senator Mike Rounds, Republican of South Dakota, and Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, who has championed legislation that has forced the government to release a series of reports on unidentified phenomena. Support in the House is also likely. On Wednesday, the chamber included a narrower measure (PDF) in its version of the annual defense bill that would push the Pentagon to release documents about unidentified aerial phenomena.

The Senate measure sets a 300-day deadline for government agencies to organize their records on unidentified phenomena and provide them to the review board. President Biden would appoint the nine-person review board, subject to Senate approval. Senate staff members say the intent is to select a group of people who would push for disclosure while protecting sensitive intelligence collection methods. [...] Under Mr. Schumer's legislation, the president could decide to delay material the commission has chosen to release based on national security concerns. But the measure would establish a timetable to release documents and codify the presumption that the material should be public. "You now will have a process through which we will declassify this material," said Allison Biasotti, a spokeswoman for Mr. Schumer.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

China's Belt and Roads plan


This article features a map from 2021

The two sure signs of a country's alignment with China are:

  • On their Belt and Road's plan 
  • Renouncement of Taiwan

When I learned that the president of El Salvador had incarcerated 67,000 gang members, I was suspicious that China was involved. El Salvador is also on board with China’s belt and Road initiative, and severed their ties with Taiwan in 2018 (the same year China took control of Nicaragua). 

The president of El Salvador will end his term in 2024, and he will likely be running again. He also introduced digital currency, which, of course is probably connected to the BRICS digital currency plan. El Salvador is on the dollar.

It looks like Panama is under the same infrastructure plan with China, certainly with the aim of controlling the canal, having threatened to complete Nicaragua's.

At this point, it seems every country in S. America is on board, and China is moving troops to train in Cuba.

It would not surprise me if our current administration in the United States has already tacitly joined the same initiative under the guise of our own infrastructure plan.

U.S. Sec. Of State Blinken just returned from China and announced “We do not support Taiwan independence”.

The cartels are working with the Chinese to move their money here, and while Republicans suggest we war against the cartels and stop fentanyl, with so many illegals here, we'd be a quagmire like Vietnam with those on the inside conducting domestic terror and urban warfare. 

Sunday, June 18, 2023

AI alternative


Brain-inspired hyperdimensional computing (HDC) is an emerging computational paradigm that has achieved success in various domains. HDC mimics brain cognition and lever-ages hyperdimensional vectors with fully distributed holographic representation and (pseudo)randomness. Compared to the traditional machine learning methods, HDC offers several critical advantages, including smaller model size, less computation cost, and one-shot learning capability, making it a promising candidate in low-power platforms. Despite the growing popularity of HDC, the robustness of HDC models has not been systematically explored. This paper presents a study on the robustness of HDC to errors in associative memory—the key component storing the class representations in HDC. We perform extensive error injection experiments to the associative memory in a number of HDC models (and datasets), sweeping the error rates and varying HDC configurations (i.e., dimension and data width). Empirically, we observe that HDC is considerably robust to errors in the associative memory, opening up opportunities for further optimizations. Further, results show that HDC robustness varies significantly with different HDC configurations such as data width. Moreover, we explore a low-cost error masking mechanism in the associative memory to enhance its robustness.

Despite the wild success of ChatGPT and other large language models, the artificial neural networks (ANNs) that underpin these systems might be on the wrong track.

For one, ANNs are “super power-hungry,” said Cornelia Fermüller, a computer scientist at the University of Maryland. “And the other issue is [their] lack of transparency.” Such systems are so complicated that no one truly understands what they’re doing, or why they work so well. This, in turn, makes it almost impossible to get them to reason by analogy, which is what humans do — using symbols for objects, ideas and the relationships between them.

Such shortcomings likely stem from the current structure of ANNs and their building blocks: individual artificial neurons. Each neuron receives inputs, performs computations and produces outputs. Modern ANNs are elaborate networks of these computational units, trained to do specific tasks.

Yet the limitations of ANNs have long been obvious. Consider, for example, an ANN that tells circles and squares apart. One way to do it is to have two neurons in its output layer, one that indicates a circle and one that indicates a square. If you want your ANN to also discern the shape’s color — blue or red — you’ll need four output neurons: one each for blue circle, blue square, red circle and red square. More features mean even more neurons.

This can’t be how our brains perceive the natural world, with all its variations. “You have to propose that, well, you have a neuron for all combinations,” said Bruno Olshausen, a neuroscientist at the University of California, Berkeley. “So, you’d have in your brain, [say,] a purple Volkswagen detector.”

Instead, Olshausen and others argue that information in the brain is represented by the activity of numerous neurons. So the perception of a purple Volkswagen is not encoded as a single neuron’s actions, but as those of thousands of neurons. The same set of neurons, firing differently, could represent an entirely different concept (a pink Cadillac, perhaps).

This is the starting point for a radically different approach to computation known as hyperdimensional computing. The key is that each piece of information, such as the notion of a car, or its make, model or color, or all of it together, is represented as a single entity: a hyperdimensional vector.

A vector is simply an ordered array of numbers. A 3D vector, for example, comprises three numbers: the xy and z coordinates of a point in 3D space. A hyperdimensional vector, or hypervector, could be an array of 10,000 numbers, say, representing a point in 10,000-dimensional space. These mathematical objects and the algebra to manipulate them are flexible and powerful enough to take modern computing beyond some of its current limitations and foster a new approach to artificial intelligence.

“This is the thing that I’ve been most excited about, practically in my entire career,” Olshausen said. To him and many others, hyperdimensional computing promises a new world in which computing is efficient and robust, and machine-made decisions are entirely transparent.

Enter High-Dimensional Spaces

To understand how hypervectors make computing possible, let’s return to images with red circles and blue squares. First we need vectors to represent the variables SHAPE and COLOR. Then we also need vectors for the values that can be assigned to the variables: CIRCLE, SQUARE, BLUE and RED.

The vectors must be distinct. This distinctness can be quantified by a property called orthogonality, which means to be at right angles. In 3D space, there are three vectors that are orthogonal to each other: One in the x direction, another in the y and a third in the z. In 10,000-dimensional space, there are 10,000 such mutually orthogonal vectors.

But if we allow vectors to be nearly orthogonal, the number of such distinct vectors in a high-dimensional space explodes. In a 10,000-dimensional space there are millions of nearly orthogonal vectors.

Now let’s create distinct vectors to represent SHAPE, COLOR, CIRCLE, SQUARE, BLUE and RED. Because there are so many possible nearly orthogonal vectors in a high-dimensional space, you can just assign six random vectors to represent the six items; they’re almost guaranteed to be nearly orthogonal. “The ease of making nearly orthogonal vectors is a major reason for using hyperdimensional representation,” wrote Pentti Kanerva, a researcher at the Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience at the University of California, Berkeley, in an influential 2009 paper.

The paper built upon work done in the mid-1990s by Kanerva and Tony Plate, at the time a doctoral student with Geoff Hinton at the University of Toronto. The two independently developed the algebra for manipulating hypervectors and hinted at its usefulness for high-dimensional computing.

Given our hypervectors for shapes and colors, the system developed by Kanerva and Plate shows us how to manipulate them using certain mathematical operations. Those actions correspond to ways of symbolically manipulating concepts.

The first operation is multiplication. This is a way of combining ideas. For example, multiplying the vector SHAPE with the vector CIRCLE binds the two into a representation of the idea “SHAPE is CIRCLE.” This new “bound” vector is nearly orthogonal to both SHAPE and CIRCLE. And the individual components are recoverable — an important feature if you want to extract information from bound vectors. Given a bound vector that represents your Volkswagen, you can unbind and retrieve the vector for its color: PURPLE.

The second operation, addition, creates a new vector that represents what’s called a superposition of concepts. For example, you can take two bound vectors, “SHAPE is CIRCLE” and “COLOR is RED,” and add them together to create a vector that represents a circular shape that is red in color. Again, the superposed vector can be decomposed into its constituents.

The third operation is permutation; it involves rearranging the individual elements of the vectors. For example, if you have a three-dimensional vector with values labeled xy and z, permutation might move the value of x to yy to z, and z to x. “Permutation allows you to build structure,” Kanerva said. “It allows you to deal with sequences, things that happen one after another.” Consider two events, represented by the hypervectors A and B. We can superpose them into one vector, but that would destroy information about the order of events. Combining addition with permutation preserves the order; the events can be retrieved in order by reversing the operations.

Together, these three operations proved enough to create a formal algebra of hypervectors that allowed for symbolic reasoning. But many researchers were slow to grasp the potential of hyperdimensional computing, including Olshausen. “It just didn’t sink in,” he said.

Harnessing the Power

In 2015, a student of Olshausen’s named Eric Weiss demonstrated one aspect of hyperdimensional computing’s unique abilities. Weiss figured out how to represent a complex image as a single hyperdimensional vector that contains information about all the objects in the image, including their properties, such as colors, positions and sizes.

“I practically fell out of my chair,” Olshausen said. “All of a sudden the lightbulb went on.”

Soon more teams began developing hyperdimensional algorithms to replicate simple tasks that deep neural networks had begun tackling about two decades before, such as classifying images.

Consider an annotated data set that consists of images of handwritten digits. An algorithm analyzes the features of each image using some predetermined scheme. It then creates a hypervector for each image. Next, the algorithm adds the hypervectors for all images of zero to create a hypervector for the idea of zero. It then does the same for all digits, creating 10 “class” hypervectors, one for each digit.

Now the algorithm is given an unlabeled image. It creates a hypervector for this new image, then compares the hypervector against the stored class hypervectors. This comparison determines the digit that the new image is most similar to.

Yet this is just the beginning. The strengths of hyperdimensional computing lie in the ability to compose and decompose hypervectors for reasoning. The latest demonstration of this came in March, when Abbas Rahimi and colleagues at IBM Research in Zurich used hyperdimensional computing with neural networks to solve a classic problem in abstract visual reasoning — a significant challenge for typical ANNs, and even some humans. Known as Raven’s progressive matrices, the problem presents images of geometric objects in, say, a 3-by-3 grid. One position in the grid is blank. The subject must choose, from a set of candidate images, the image that best fits the blank.

“We said, ‘This is really … the killer example for visual abstract reasoning, let’s jump in,’” Rahimi said.

To solve the problem using hyperdimensional computing, the team first created a dictionary of hypervectors to represent the objects in each image; each hypervector in the dictionary represents an object and some combination of its attributes. The team then trained a neural network to examine an image and generate a bipolar hypervector — an element can be +1 or −1 — that’s as close as possible to some superposition of hypervectors in the dictionary; the generated hypervector thus contains information about all the objects and their attributes in the image. “You guide the neural network to a meaningful conceptual space,” Rahimi said.

Once the network has generated hypervectors for each of the context images and for each candidate for the blank slot, another algorithm analyzes the hypervectors to create probability distributions for the number of objects in each image, their size, and other characteristics. These probability distributions, which speak to the likely characteristics of both the context and candidate images, can be transformed into hypervectors, allowing the use of algebra to predict the most likely candidate image to fill the vacant slot.

Their approach was nearly 88% accurate on one set of problems, whereas neural network–only solutions were less than 61% accurate. The team also showed that, for 3-by-3 grids, their system was almost 250 times faster than a traditional method that uses rules of symbolic logic to reason, since that method must search through an enormous rulebook to determine the correct next step.

A Promising Start

Not only does hyperdimensional computing give us the power to solve problems symbolically, it also addresses some niggling issues of traditional computing. The performance of today’s computers degrades rapidly if errors caused by, say, a random bit flip (a 0 becomes 1 or vice versa) cannot be corrected by built-in error-correcting mechanisms. Moreover, these error-correcting mechanisms can impose a penalty on performance of up to 25%, said Xun Jiao, a computer scientist at Villanova University.

Hyperdimensional computing tolerates errors better, because even if a hypervector suffers significant numbers of random bit flips, it is still close to the original vector. This implies that any reasoning using these vectors is not meaningfully impacted in the face of errors. Jiao’s team has shown that these systems are at least 10 times more tolerant of hardware faults than traditional ANNs, which themselves are orders of magnitude more resilient than traditional computing architectures. “We can leverage all [that] resilience to design some efficient hardware,” Jiao said.

Another advantage of hyperdimensional computing is transparency: The algebra clearly tells you why the system chose the answer it did. The same is not true for traditional neural networks. Olshausen, Rahimi and others are developing hybrid systems in which neural networks map things in the physical world to hypervectors, and then hyperdimensional algebra takes over. “Things like analogical reasoning just fall in your lap,” Olshausen said. “This is what we should expect of any AI system. We should be able to understand it just like we understand an airplane or a television set.”

All of these benefits over traditional computing suggest that hyperdimensional computing is well suited for a new generation of extremely sturdy, low-power hardware. It’s also compatible with “in-memory computing systems,” which perform the computing on the same hardware that stores data (unlike existing von Neumann computers that inefficiently shuttle data between memory and the central processing unit). Some of these new devices can be analog, operating at very low voltages, making them energy-efficient but also prone to random noise. For von Neumann computing, this randomness is “the wall that you can’t go beyond,” Olshausen said. But with hyperdimensional computing, “you can just punch through it.”

Despite such advantages, hyperdimensional computing is still in its infancy. “There’s real potential here,” Fermüller said. But she points out that it still needs to be tested against real-world problems and at bigger scales, closer to the size of modern neural networks.

“For problems at scale, this needs very efficient hardware,” Rahimi said. “For example, how [do you] efficiently search over 1 billion items?”

All of this should come with time, Kanerva said. “There are other secrets [that] high-dimensional spaces hold,” he said. “I see this as the very beginning of time for computing with vectors.”

Saturday, June 17, 2023

El Salvador

House hunting in El Salvador,of%20%2488%20a%20square%20foot. 

Cost of living

Real estate

U.S. Ambassador William H. Duncan participated in the “U.S.-El Salvador Technology Forum”, where more than 100 government officials, technology sector leaders and experts met to discuss the transformative potential of the digital economy.

Among the participants were important US technology companies such as: Amazon Web Services, Intel, Meta, Microsoft, Google, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, among others.

This forum was held thanks to the U.S. government, through the Department of Commerce. In his speech, Ambassador Duncan said: “By working together, governments and industries will be able to establish solid cybersecurity frameworks that safeguard critical infrastructure, protect confidential information and ensure the uninterrupted operation of the digital ecosystem”.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

AI visual cortex

AI re-creates what people see by reading their brain scans

Shinji Nishimoto, another systems neuroscientist at Osaka University who worked on the study, hopes that with further refinements the technology could be used to intercept imagined thoughts and dreams, or could allow scientists to understand how differently other animals perceive reality.


Scientists used artificial intelligence (AI) to read a mouse’s brain while it watched a video clip - and then reconstruct what it saw.

Researchers scientists from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) have developed a new machine-learning algorithm to translate brain signals into videos.

The algorithm, called CEBRA (and pronounced zebra), has the potential to reveal the hidden structure in data recorded from the brain and predict complex information.

In an experiment, researchers successfully reconstructed a film seen by a mouse using the novel technique.

"We asked the question: could we actually reconstruct what the animal was watching just purely from the neural data?" said Mackenzie Mathis, a neuroscientist at EPFL.

"We used our new algorithm CEBRA to build this latent representation of the embedding space. And then you can take this embedding space and essentially use that as the basis for a neural decoding algorithm and then predict exactly the sequence of frames the mouse was watching".

Sunday, June 11, 2023

hot button division short list

The key to this kind of discussion is to point to what's happening behind the curtain and not become embroiled in the divisive hot-button topics that pit 'sides' against each other and distract from the global picture.

A starting point is to identify recurrent divisive topics, and separate the propaganda from the long-term strategy.

Global picture: Economic, labor, political control, AI.

BRICS strategy, character - e.g Chinese attitudes and perception of U.S. liberal causes such as race and gender, and free speech

COVID origins and handling, economic impact, supply chain and labor throttling, online vs retail

Digital currency

Soros and global election fraud, 51% losses, Biden earpiece Obama

Jewish division: Orthodox vs reform, antisemitism

Mass migration, Chinese labor, Chinese infrastructure plan and South America, cartels throttling supply chain, border security

Media control, propaganda, free speech and privacy

Big tech: AI and inclusion, transhumanism

Defund the police, crime statistics, BLM activity up to Biden, tech company sponsorship

Election reform

In March 2002, as the Senate worked on a compromise to save an election reform bill that stalled due to Republicans' believing it was not combative enough against voter fraud, Schumer and Senator Ron Wyden led a successful effort in protecting an amendment allowing first-time voters to be verified with only a signature.[129] 

Trans movement and mental health destigmatism/normalization:

Actual issue: Fentanyl addiction, indoctrination of children, CA law over parental rights, transhumanism


Gender identity, women's sports

"Hormonal treatments are essential for transgender people, akin to using insulin or an asthma inhaler." 

  • Assembly Bill 957 would classify not affirming a child's gender as 'abuse' 
  • State Rep. Lori Wilson said affirming a child's gender is 'in their best interest

Soros' son

Chinese spy base in Cuba since 2019

Sunday, June 4, 2023

AI genomics

AI artists

Dave Pellizza is a 3D modeler, environmental artist. 

If you search @3Dave666, you find some great videos.

He said he's using Deforum and WarpFusion.

I looked up WarpFusion and found this on reddit:

Create mocap animations. create 3d models, imported to unreal engine, create a scene there and export a video. then turn every frame to anime with AI.

I found these sites: