Thursday, May 20, 2021

The divided Jewish and Black positions on BLM

Interesting article that enlightens my questions about seemingly conflicting Jewish political positions, how BLM is driving anti-semitism on the accusation of Israeli occupation and genocide against Palestinians. 

I've recognized reform Jews are typically Democrats and lean hard left, are typically atheist or agnostic, and aggressively drive these race disparity narratives in the media. Whereas Orthodox Jews like Ben Shapiro, while historically identifying with the struggle of racism, will counter and debunk false race narratives created here in the U.S. and spread globally by media, particularly about systemic racism,  defunding the police and BLM. What Ben Shapiro has yet to address is leftist Jews who are anti-Israel and are in fact a driving force behind BLM and yes, the media. Rather, he denies the 'myth' of Jews controlling media without making the distinction about which Jews. He dismissed Bernie Sanders as being only ethnically Jewish and completely avoided the reality of the massive population of Jewish Democrats in the U.S. So, I guess when Ben says 'Jew', he doesn't include ethnic jews unless they are also religious AND support Israel. Kind of an ethnic cleansing there, Ben? 

...and here we have Bernie calling for a stronger response to attacks on Jews. Tell that mean Bennie Shapiro to stick that in his yarmulke and call it macaroni. 

Will this unify reform leftist Jews and Orthodox Jews, or will this bring the argument to a head? How will this affect the BLM agenda and the various facets of 'racism' (superiority 'I'm the shit and all else suck' vs prejudice 'generalities often rooted in cultural/behavioral truisms') - prejudice against blacks, errr African Americans, coming from blacks (wait, which ones are we talking about again?), against Jews (wait, religious or ethnic??), coming from leftist Jews agains Jews and Israel, and coming from Orthodox who claim to be God's chosen people and who claim they are above non-Jews (see video interviews below from Israel). Ah! Got it.

And what where will this end up, calling out other such cultures who demand homogeneity (India, China, Israel, etc.)? 

And what about us Honkies (pardon me, 'honkies', little h)? Who cares, right? Because we are apparently the real racists. Ah, I guess we'll just watch on tv as usual and they'll let us know, we'll get the memo on our fate and final judgement. Maybe they'll make a vaccine against racism for white people. Maybe they'll bottle it up in a good ol' Coca Cola for everyone.

Apart from Orthodox Jews, those I know or find in the media are all hard left Democrats, and certainly plenty of leftists celebrity (and way more producers) Jews in the media and driving popular culture, obsessed with racism against blacks (come on, Kimmel's great grandparents were Kümmel, playing crouching Italian, hidden Jew), or pre-Obama Jews (including Kimmel) making shocking racial jokes and feeling licensed to do whatever they want because of the common history of racial discrimination, and getting a pass to do so. It's been such a great push broom for these self-appointed custodians of humanity. Frankly, I'm happy to see them getting a little worried that they're overplaying their hand. Does that make me anti-semitic? No, just trying to connect the dots.

Just today, I encountered the Tinder profile of a self-described (female) 'BLM queer Jew for Palestinian liberation'. (See below).

I’d love to see BLM take on China for its persecution of other ethnicities like the Uighurs. I guess that'd be too anti-Asian, wouldn't it?

And, within Israel, apparently enough dissenters who call for equality within Israel. So, I'm not satisfied to hear about Jews being attacked and antisemitism without addressing the elephant in the room.

On that note, if you link up some of the Jewish figures on the left who are driving a serious political agenda, you might speculate on how George Soros, Jon Ossoff and Otto Warmbier all attended London School of Economics which is directly associated with the socialist party in Europe. As a civil libertarian Goy, I can't help but wonder what the Jewish left is up to. It's like, 'Ah, fuck Israel, let's just leave and take over the world a different way.' Seriously, WTF is going on, Ben? It's a lot like anyone who abandons a rigid religious system and rebels - Catholics, Baptists, Indians. They all go kinda hip hop, start smoking weed and slappin' bitches. Or, themselves, turning into women. I'd love to know what percentage of Jews are democrats vs Republican or Libertarian.

When I was living in small college town of a major university, there was a Jewish business professor named Jay with whom I attended an improv class, led by the woman who played 'the lady with the ugly baby' on Seinfeld (bitter, weed-smoking Jewish woman who thinks improv should be a form of Jewish academic bowl). Jay was weird as hell, and ended up undergoing chemical castration and turned into 'Janine', but continued going to Temple, literally ran his family out of town. The Temple said nothing - I'm sure it's a huge liability but damn, I'd think they'd step up to the plate a little. I happened to be dating South African Russian Jew at that time, (she also went to Catholic school and would vacillate her identity depending on who she was talking to, also a film producer) her kids went to Temple with his, so I got the scoop.

Israelis have historically accused any such criticism as 'antisemitic', and I agreed with Obama's initiative to establish a Palestinian state, though I overall reject him as a marxist, anti-white racist, race baiter and globalist. There was a time that Louis Farrakhan was considered a racist, right? But I must say, I don't want to be embroiled in the middle east, either. 

Related, the division in black culture here in the United States that has identified with and converted to Islam through the prison system, versus the traditional, Christian nuclear family. Blacks who express conservative values are called 'Uncle Tom', and black conservative politicians receive death threats. Fortunately, black conservatives are also vocal in contesting the same narratives, and these groups are aligning outside of identity politics on ideology, along with secular civil libertarians

I suppose the other great fissure will be the direction of the GOP, which seems to split on three fronts - globalism, religious right, and secular civil liberties.

Provocative questions on this channel below include 'do you see non Jews as equal to you' and 'why do you steal Palestinian land' and 'What do you think of converts to Judaism' and 'What if the Romans wanted their land back'

and of course, the Babylon Bee is on time as usual

(Photo not included)