Click to better behold That Yeahmang. Cuz hyeuhz:
Transcribed from an email sent around January of '09 to a fellow Yepper:
Yepenese underwent an evolution between 2003 and 2007 with the introduction of dipthongs. Well, maybe just the one 'ae'. I lobbed out a 'de jep wah paeon' in an email to a friend which was cited as 'iffy' to which I responded 'You're lucky I didn't throw in a boo-daja-jeza-jep-wah-priapism on your ass.'
But the etymology is substantiated:
A Brief and Abridged Excursion into Yepymology and the Fundamental Building Blocks of Yepping
You Too Can Yep: A Primer
"The ApoloJepics"
-or simply-
"The Book of Yep"
While there may be other conventions that have been omitted from this primer, this is a decent first round up. I have been meaning to create my own reference with audio tracks, but for now, it helps to preserve what has become a somewhat monopolistic oral tradition and for the unindoctrinated to see the actual text.
Rudiments of Yep
Here below, we see how 'doo' is substituted and abbreviated liberally, aggressively, or interchangeably with 'de' or 'duh'. The origin being an impression from Mexico, blended with central and south american, and even some Portuguese - an occasional lingering pause of '...em..used instead of 'um' to represent the hesitation of thought processing. That's what the Brazilians do. Perhaps this use of 'd' in place of 'th' reflects the triangular trade and african roots in the mix. The Latinos are known for switching their j's and y's. And we certainly nod to the nizzle, as with a 'bazza muh dazza muh jezza muh jang'.
1. The Yeah Mang = de jeh mang = duh jay = DJ (also branching to and from de jep MUN)
2. Moody > Moo-dee-zee-A > doo dee zee A = doo dee jay = doo dee jep (muh jang)
3. The Yeah Mang = de jep jang = de jep muh jang (possessive-affectionate, 'my yeah mang') = de jep ahn = de jeppy-ohn = dee jaypeon (a bridging between 'yep', 'yay' and 'mun'). This one can also be spoken with an Irish accent - think about it. Moving forward, this has become Dee Jay Peen which sounds a lot like I'm saying you-know-what and opens up a new door of possibility which could be uncomfortable for the uninitiated. A fun loop is to just fidget repeatedly, like a public schooler in the lower reading level trying to settle on the pronunciation of an unfamiliar word, like so: 'peon, payon, pieon (but we think of it with a dipthong 'paeon') This absurd loop begins in a searching manner and then we go into a rhythm which ultimately becomes a full yallop of 'Rock Around the Clock' by Bill Haley and the Comets. A favorite free verse is 'Yay-O-Peen, Yay-to-myeuh, Yay-indee-ud, ain' (or if repeated again, really emphasize and fully pronounce 'AND' with the ahh sound).
4. Obvious variations on Yes = Yep, Yeah (yay), hence our favorite caucasian iteration of simply 'Yes Man' with a neighborly, nod and shit-eating smile.
5. Use of 'Bubba' as root. Bubba was the placeholder name used prior to the declaration of the name Moody. Variations include Bubba Doo > Bubba Doo Daja, Boo-dajah, Boo daja jeza jep (muh jang) and that crowd pleaser, DI ZI JEP which cannot stop and must become Di zi jep (haaaaa!!!) wah peon. The haaaa!!! or 'hiya' part should sound like a frightened yodel, as though some has been thrown from the roof of a high rise.
Thematic Extensions and Conventions
The recurring themes of Yepmology involve outpourings of enthusiasm without inhibition, sometimes derision of a gullible and even captive consumer, showing that Yep his reflection in a mirror to make him aware of himself (thereby disproving the notion of homo sapien sapien, cuzuthu that Yap certainly knew his own reflection and liked riding in elevators), and general praise. But, Yepping involves other recurring conventions and themes. Here are a few:
1. Use of 'ain' as in 'Oh mun, oh, you, oh mun, oh too, oh mun OH DOO!...ain'...
2. The Evangelist includes circular speak and furvor:
Yeah to you...and to you, YAY-YUH.
I said to muh-say-yulf, to muh-sayulf I said, to-mahhh-sailf I sayud to muhsailf I
3. The monotone (My bubbadoo, that's you. You are Yep Man, oh, too. Duh Jep.) The rhythm is usually '12345...1-12345...1-2.' This was handy once when I had to improvise a metered rhyme and it became 'My bubbadoo dats yoo YepMun youre always having so much fun'.
4. Delay without consequence. Prolonged use of either 'em...' and 'eh...' as though carefully sorting out a thought, only to arrive at the conclusion of either 'You' or 'Mun'.
5. Submission and Dominance: Beotch and Metal God speak. Yepping tips its hat with a 'myeuh' in substitute for frequent reference to 'me' which can be either as wanna-be powerful as James Hedfield meets Mumm-Rah or it can sound like the voice over in a 1950s educational film. The word 'Too' often connotes a general feeling of almost syrupy sympatico and general conformity for the sake of acceptance, and may introduce the character who always insists on coming along much to the dread of the party. However, the Yep may assume the dominant position and represent a transformational force as if to say 'take your medicine'. We temper this with the sympatico 'Teeyoo' but alternate with the commanding 'Tow'. Is it an annoying request or an imposing conviction? Listen to that Yap. Use of 'oh, too' can often be trailed by '3-4'...'5-6'...'7-8', etc. just to generally confuse and create further absurdity.
6. Reference to Mun. Most names are preceded by either 'The' or 'That' as in The Yeahmang or That Yep. Mun is a stand alone utitlity.
7. Use and variations of 'Cuz hyeeuz'. The thought is ' that Yep. Because that's him. Heeeeeyaz. Heeyazatha. Behold that Yap. Go evangelist and say 'Hyaeyuzutha Yahpahn!' or simply 'YyyyAYYYyyyy'. One should hold out both hands, palms up and slightly to the side, as though it were Vanna White presenting the Lost Ark of the Covenant.
8. Derived from rudiment #2, any word ending in 'y' is appended with 'eee-zee-ay' and variations thereof (ee-zi-jay, ee-zi-jep, ee-zi-jepon, etc.). This can serve to celebrate, decorate, mock, and also to camoflage or make more oblique names and words that deserve special attention. For example, 'Moody' becomes 'Moo-deeeee-zeeay', with the first syllable short and emphasized by a pregnant pause, followed by a long and reactive second syllable, then blend the ending with a flourish. Abbreviation of the second syllable to a normal duration may achieve a degree of masking, but exercise caution. 'Koo-cheezeeay'.
A typical outgrowth of this convention would be to incorporate a rollout, such as 'Hyeuz a bubba doo' before the emphasis on the word itself, then a build up of variations.
Hyeuz. The. Boo. DEE-ZEE-ay.(pause)
'Hyeuz a bubba doo DAE ZAE-JAY. (pause)
'Sez um and he SEHHZ UH-YAY. (pause).
...and so on until the energy is lost and the yepper runs out of interest in generating variations.
9. He says um er um and he says uh yay. This notion, again, underscores that the Yep was a thinkin mun, and quite the stoic. He was not anxious or reactionary, rather, he would calmly look you in the eye and let you stew in it.
10. Yep utility: Yepping is a great way to make an impression of someone without using actual words. Politicians, celebrities, friends and foes, all may be exposed independent of their words, and stripped down to their tones, inflections, attitudes, manners and gestures.
11. Cuz he says 'Yeah-wah' or he says-o-yeh-wah...cuz heez that bub (really emphasize yeh-wah and sing out bub).
12. Separation of double vowels e.g. 'dream' = 'dree-um'. Sometimes for delayed emphasis, the word with the double vowel will end a sentence, and then be revisited with emphasis. For example, 'We'll finish our work soon (upward tone). Hiya, sooo-wun! The tone is flat, deliberately separated, and delivered sometimes harshly.
13. Examples of the possessive form mixed in with applications that are a reach to justify with any clear explanation: Hazatha, Cuzutha, Shazatha - (he's, because, she's) and reference to oneself (muhsayulf, myeuh).
Common Fodder: NPR
Everyone on NPR has been Yeppified. The latest target -I mean source of inspiration- has been that marble-mouthed Peter Overbee with his foaming siliva curdle whot sounds like that Yap lickin' his lacka doo dads. Actually, he has NOT been yeppified, he has simply been mocked. Along with my favorite, Pat Duggins, who loves to be really enthusiastic about NAAAAASA. What will become of him now that uh, Buh, uh, rack, ah, O, uh, bam, uh has commercialized that whole venture? And Robert SEEEI-gal who also delivers the new-is. And the locals, we know to thank Rob Holmes for his famous ' that was....An-drew (huhhhhh) Scar....llllloteeeee....coming up...Lahhh-tee-NO...U.S.A. We love to yep in his affected manner.
Starting Yep employs the Socratic Method via a fill-in-the blank, rhythmic rhyme:
JEP...wah peen
Cuz hyeah says whom?
(ANSWER: YEP to Myeuh)
the ending goes:
Cuz hyeaz the Bu-bba-doo-dee-jepon...AND the DOO...deezee (02)...
and if you are feeling it, you can throw in 'ain when noone is expecting it.
Yep Parodies
I'm really reluctant to start this because it's truly opening Pandora's box. Any song is Yepable, although certain parts are more fun and lend to greater inspiration than others, examples include The Bonanza Theme, Alouette, certain parts of Somewhere Over the Rainbow and If I only had a Heart, Green-Eyed Lady, Blue Moon, Take Me Home and Don't Lose My Number by Phil Collins and No Reply at All by Genesis, parts of The Barber of Seville, music from Benny Hill, basslines from Jean Luc Ponty, that whistle song from Stripes, a version of 'I pledge allegiance" (to the flag) which starts with the way I used to call The Bub (You Comuthuh Yeah Mang), Pass the Dutchie, Camptown Races, and very often the intro music that starts an episode of the Brady Bunch (not the main theme but after that, when the show has started and they show the exterior of the house and a few producer credits), the Honeycomb Commercial, Turkey in the Straw, and The Heart of Rock and Roll by Huey Lewis maybe from listening to too much Neal Boortz. At some point, I intend to record examples. The first would likely be a multi-yep version, beats included, of "Got More Rhymes" by Young MC which sampled Ben E. King's "Supernatural Thing". Obsession by Animotion, Staying Alive by the BeeGees, Locomotion by Little Eva, and Magical Mystery Tour.
Barry Mann's song becomes 'Who put the Bub in the Yep Muh Yep Muh Yep Who put the doy in the Bubbadoo dejepajanga.
Metal Yeps have included 'Shout At the Yeahmang' and 'For Those About to Yep' (we say Yep to you).
Improvisational Scat Yeps
Circus music, blues riffs, flushing the toilet, things that pass on the side of the road, anything that makes a meter or a rhythm.
The Dickinson - power yeps mixed with falsetta. Try 'It Came Upon a Midnight Clear'.
A few good phrases:
Yepun, dee-jepun, and doooo dee jep un. (or substitute 'un' for 'fun' if you care to break up the monotony). Actually, this is sometimes a way of pointing out three dipshits walking together in a group. Otherwise, it's an incantation of praise-o-mun, and an enumerating of titles. Be sure to roll out the doooo as long and holy as possible in a worshipful way.
Dee Jep Wah Peen Cuz he says yep to me cuz hyeaz the buh ba doo dee jepun and the doo dee zee
(sound familiar? this one is known as what?...The Socratic...what...that's right, the Socratic..Yep)
yep yep muh yanga
daza muh
jep jep muh janga
(slow) and oh mun. and oh you. and oh mun. and oh too.
(faster) and oh mun oh you oh doo oh too oh you AND.
(emphatic) say yep to that jahpun. becuz he haza plan.
be-cuz thats him, he says yep to PEEN! hyeeuztha bubba doo dee jep AND the DOO dee zee. and oh you mun.
Yep Yang!
He says O YahWah! To da Bub. Cuz Hyeuz. (to da Bub cuz Hyeuz).
Song - (slow) cuz hyeuz dat (fast) bubbadoodeejezzajepmuhjangadidjamanga hiza bubbadoodeejemuhjang yoo... ...manotoo...
this one is done almost like the lone ranger. I may have to add this to the book of Yep
It's a gallop - 123, 123, 123, 1-2, 1-2 - then repeat a few times:
Mixing Yep bits with beats. Here's a short starter list:
1. Start with a dopey or 'sploosh' sounding 'Dowey' followed by a beat sequence, then 'Dowaaauh' - beat sequence - repeat with some variation on the dopey 'Dowey' including distortion / wag to the 'weh'. Then, increase energy with 'doo doweh', mix in more Yeps between beats such as 'Mun', 'Dats you', etc.
2. Yeppon (beat) Yeppon (double beat) Yeppon (beat) Yep-mon (triple). (repeat).
3. Yep (highhat-beep) Deejep (highhat-beep beep)Deejemang (highhat-beep: 123456)
4. The Spacelines Yap:
5. Too da Bub, cuz hyeuz. (tooda bub cuz hyeuz da bub say yehwah tooda bub cuz hyeuz dat buuub.)
6. The rhythm of the old electronic drum kit toy commercial: 1-2,3, 1-2,3, 1.
7. Doy (beats) Dow-aaaah (beats)
8. 123456...cuz yoo duh yeh mang...123456...cuz yoo duh yeh mang...
bub doo dah di zi jape...cuz yoo duh yeh mang
9. And. Variations.
10. It came upon a midnight clear - cuz hyeuz the bub. he sez yawah. too myeuhhh-(go dickinson)
11. Dowee duh dooey dowey do dow dooweuh
Advanced Yepping
You are not authorized to access this Yep.
Clients yep in here.
Yep o' the Day
As Dusty Rhodes once said:
"...and remember, Boo dazza muh jezza jep janga duh jay.
Bubba doo dazza muh jep janga deh jay, it doesn't matter.
Yep yep muh yanga dazza muh jep jep muh janga.
Muh yep yep yanga duh jay, makes no difference.
Yep Happens.
Have you Yepped your Yang today?
(or better yet, Have you stranged your creach today?)
Got Yep?
Order in the court muthuh fukuh doo doweh - order in that court fukuhdoo dowehhh
I'm seeing the world through Yep-colored glasses.
You couldn't Yep your way out of a wet paper bag. (to my friend who guesses that anything goes in Yepping as opposed to a living language with structure).
Who led Louis and Clark across the American wilderness? Sack-uh-juh-Wyeuh.
(pronounced Nyeabah Chud Nyea-zzah, as in 'Wussup muh Nyeabah Chud Nyea-zzah')
The tyrant who sent the Jews AWAY and worshiped golden idles,
unlike Sakuh Jaw Wyuhhh, who led Louis & Clark INTO the frontier,
which eventually led to the gold rush.
What Yep Tomorrow What You Can Yep Today
Carpe Yep
One Giant Yep for Mankind
The People's Yep
One day, I'm convinced that enough yeppers will exist due to the power of the Yep meme. At that point, a Yepcollective could conduct a People's Yep in a public forum. And at least we know that these folks would poop with discretion, just like That Yep. This would be an effective and non-violent way to bring attention to absurdity. The distinguishing characteristic of the People's Yep is that the lead yepper would be loosely echoed and not simply mindlessly repeated because Yeppers would throw in their own variations and it would create a tremendous wash of white noise. In fact, it might be a powerful enough movement to draw a variety of scatters and freestylers and it would become either constitute a very chaotic jazz festival or it would introduce yet another form - a Yeporian chant.
Yepping is a gateway into another dimension that anchors to the core of something plunged beneath a deep sea trench, regardless of how many of the catacombs I might have scrawled with notations or strung with miles of yarn in hopes of finding my way back. I am but an unconscious spectator of that Yep, with mere glimpses of hyeuhz' conscious meaning, that whot is stated point blank in his eyes (behold above, cuz hyeaz talking to CHOO mun. That Yep).
The answer to the Riddle of That Yeahmang grants instant access to That whot cannot be repeated or revealed through words. It is That whot can only be Yepped.
* It is possible that the riddle may have to do with strongly suspecting whether or to what degree Moody was in fact self aware. He was commonly put in front of a mirror and told 'My Bub. Dat's Yoo. Yooooo da Yeahmang.' Unfortunately, a true mirror test was never conducted to confirm.
Inspired Additions

yoo should hear how she yeps about you
yoo should hear her say 'YAY'
(cuzzuh thuh)
SHEA sayuz shy'ud byeuh LIZOST wiffout choo, mun
SHEAZ half out of her hizead
(out of her hizead)
I picked this version for the intro by Rex Whatshiznutz, the male dancers, and the overall quality.
Public Outcry
Two doubters have now used the word "iffy" in relation to this blog entry. As mentioned in the Prologue, the original skeptic - or should I say heretic - was an old girlfriend who had learned a good bit of Yepaneze (she could understand it in a pinch but had not yet come to speak or read it). She didn't think 'DeeJepWahPeen' qualified as a legitimate part of the form. Being a living language - and she had been away for several years at grad school while I continued to work on my doctoral dissertation, 'Solving The Riddle of the Yeahmang' - I was understanding that she wasn't yet able to behold That Yap without averting her eyes.
Fortunately or unfortunately as the case may be, there are no if, ands, or buts about it. I actually say or have said all of this on an ongoing basis, and have even been awakened by a good Yep in the night that came to me in a dree-um. I'll just have to record and demonstrate. Though I've not carved any stone tablets yet, truly, the blog entry is a means of catalog primarily for my own reference, so as to keep up with the flood from the muse which is typically not consciously summoned. I guess you could say I'm speaking in Muns. But, you never know, there could be a Second Yepping.
Uncharted Territory: Yup
If he'd been from Chicago, he would have been Yup Mun. But hipsters say it too, because they love to take on affectations from other places, so maybe hipsters are Yup Mun.
I realized today that I've never used a Yup or variations thereof and I didn't quite know what to do. Yup Pup? He doesn't need a side kick. But Deh Jup Wuh Pup is awfully hard to resist. Maybe that's how to say something is cute. Aw shit.
I do use Yap which I love - Yap Mun -the contrast is great. Try it without the consonants and exaggerate - you'll make a pretty good retard impression.
Or just Dah Jup. Maybe 2 Ps - Duh Jupp.
These idiots who like to say Ya and Yup in email. They really are just deejepwahpeens, but I guess I can call them Yup Mun.
To the chorus of "Abra Cadabra" by Steve Miller Band
Yep mun, Yep Mun, Deh Jep Mun
Yep mun, Yep Mun, Deh Jep Mun
Yepon Dah Yepon
Another One Bites the Dust (by Kwee-un)
(to the fast part)
Bubba doo dee jezza jeppon yoo say yay-0-wah to me, Yeppon
(muh yep yanga)
Yeppon, Dee Jeppon, and Doo Dee Jep Peen say yay-0-wah to me, have fun
Boo dee jeppon, boo dee jezza muh jang say yay-o-wah to me, yepeen
Bubba Doo de jezza jeppon yoo, yay-o-wah to yoo mun, to me
Yep Yep Yep
Boo dazza Jep Yep Muh Yang
Big Country by Big Country - (Bee-ahhhg)
Say yay-o ah wah
to the dizi my cha pang jay...
Yepmus Songs
Song selections:
The first yeoweh
12 days of yepmus
Yahweh in Yepmanger
little yepper boy (say yay o wah to myuh, doy dizi jep munnnnn)Yay ride togyeuthah with yoo
Carol of the Yayuhs
12 Day-ah-Yuz of Yepmus
On the doy DIZI Yepmon
my bub sed Yeuh to myuh:
Doy DI ZI Jeppon
Hyeuzza Moody Yeppon
Say O Yay O Wyeuh
Bubba doo deh zheuh
Doy dee JEP muh janga
Moody too yep yanga
Jeh muh Janga Jay ain'
Say O Yay O Wyeuh
Bubba doo deh zheuh
Doy dee JEP muh janga
Moody too yep yanga
Jeh muh Janga Jay ain'
DI ZI Yep, HIYA! Wah Peeeee-ah-yonnn!
Bubbeh doo dee jep
Yeppa Yang Yay
Doo Dee Jep Wah PayonAND!
a Par-tree-ahdj in a Pear Tryeuh. INDEEEUD. AND.
Pat's Yep O the Day:
Yepping for a cause.
Return of the yep.Latest Yep
Yoo are once
I'm in the mood for "AHHHHAAAAHHHHYAAAAAA"
Simply because you're "AHHHHAAAAHHHHYAAAAAA"
Funny, but when you're "AHHHHAAAAHHHHYAAAAAA"
I'm in the mood for "AHHHHAAAAHHHHYAAAAAA".
Why Yep Tomorrow What You Can Yep Today
Carpe Yep
to which Pat sez:
Yep. It's a lifestyle choice.
to which I say:
God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Yep.
Yep Pattern
To Strange the creech. To Say yehwah. To Poop yu paintz. And do a daintz.
Weeuh Waeuh Weeuh Wayuh Weeuh.
Didjerido = Didj Dooey
More horse shit
Yay o weuh. Doo dee jeuh. Yoo and Myeuh.
So very very Nah-styeuh to Myeuh...In-dee-ah-yahd. Pyon...
DiziMyJepaJangJay Yep Peen
DiMyZiMyJepJang Duh Jay Indeeyud
Rock a bye and good night
My bubba doo, that's yoo Yepmun
Beecuz yoo say Yep to PeeeYon
Yoo say Yowaaaaaahhhh to the DIZI-Jep
And you say Yaywah to Myeuuuuuh
Yep Standards
Mr. Rogers theme
Green Acres - boodajah sez yeweh too myeuh
Wizard of Oz - If I only had a brain, somewhere over the rainbow
Puttin on the Ritz
Another one bites the dust
Rock a bye and good night
Xmas songs
Bytor & the Snow Jep
Boo dae zae jep
Ah yah
Cuz dat iz yowee
Duh zae muh jepuh janga didjuh muh yang yep peen
Doo dee jay mang
Cuz dat iz him
Chapang muhyanga didja manga duh jay yep yang
2024 Update
After a long absence, I have one specific update in mind, something that usually occurs when I'm driving.
After a long absence, I have one specific update in mind, something that usually occurs when I'm driving.
Choomon (agreeably)
Cha-pang (quickly)
Choomon! (Wow-style)
Cha-pang! (Loudly)
Choomon! (Wow-style)
(continue ad infinitum)