Saturday, August 31, 2024

Brazil bans Twitter

This on the heels of Mark Zuckerberg declaring how the U.S. govt. pressured FB to censor posts about Covid.

The article itself refers to 'disinformation' spread on X by supporters of 'defeated' Bolsanaro. Of course, the news always speaks to 'official' outcomes, such as the 'murder of George Floyd', outcomes which are the result of Soros-installed judges, who act as pawns for the Soros-installed dictator, Lula. 

Ask any young, poor, dark-skinned, gay Brazilian and you'll get the same perspective. But don't ask the monied Brazilians, because they support Lula. Ironic that the poor support Bolsonaro, who has been maligned Trump-style as a homophobe/xenophobe/racist/mysogynist - and the wealthy support the socialist.

A few article highlights:

“Unlike other social media and technology platforms, we will not comply in secret with illegal orders,” the company said in a statement.

It was the second time this week that a foreign government has clamped down on a social media platform. On Monday, French authorities said they had arrested Telegram founder and chief executive Pavel Durov in an investigation of illegal child abuse activity on the messaging app. Musk, among others, condemned Durov’s arrest as an attack on free speech; the future, he suggested, could include “being executed for liking a meme.”

The service has remained active. In Moraes’s order Friday, a copy of which was obtained by The Washington Post, he directs Brazil’s telecommunications agency and internet providers to block users here from accessing X and gives Apple and Google five days to prevent downloads of its app.

Google declined to comment. Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Moraes said anyone caught using a virtual private network to access the site could be fined nearly $9,000 a day